Being new to Ultima Online, ICQ or any other online communications can be a confusing experience. The slang, abbreviations, and chatter has developed into a whole new language. What I have tried to do here is take a lot of the common (and not so common) ways of saying things that you might encounter in-game, on icq, on IRC chat, email and other internet communcations and compile it into an alphabetical reference. This list is by no means complete as new jargon is added all the time, but at least it should serve to get your head into the mindset needed to hold your head up and not constantly be typing "What does 'lol' mean?".
AC | Asheron's Call - one of the other mmorpg's (see mmorpg) |
ack! | expressing surprise, as in Holy Cow! or Yikes! |
alchy | alchemist |
aye | "yes", old time english used by role players |
afk | away from keyboard |
barneyland | derogatory name for Trammel, the no-pk facet in UO, see also carebearland, candyland |
bbiab | be back in a bit |
bbl | be back later |
brb | be right back |
brit | short for the town of Britain |
brt | be right there |
btw | by the way |
candyland | derogatory name for Trammel, the no-pk facet in UO, see also carebearland, barneyland |
carebearland | derogatory name for Trammel, the no-pk facet in UO, see also candyland, barneyland |
char | short for character i.e. your player character |
CoM, Min, SH, SL, TB | the five factions in UO, Council of Mages, Minax, Stronghold, Shadow Lords, True Britannians |
cu | see you later, see also cya, cyal8r |
cya | see you later, see also cya, cyal8r |
cyal8r | see you later, see also cu, cya |
dp, dp'd | deadly poisoned, as in a dp'd kryss |
EQ | Everquest, Sony's roleplaying game, also knows as EverCrack |
fel | short for the facel of Felucca |
gay | derogatory term usually meaning something lame as opposed to homosexual connotation |
glow | short for the town of Moonglow |
hally | halberd, a long shaft bladed weapon |
hail | roleplayer "hello", as in Hail and Well Met |
ic | I see i.e. I understand, see also oic |
idoc | in danger of collapsing (relates to housing status in UO) |
imo, imho | in my (humble) opinion |
JoO, jOo | kewl dood speak for "you", as in I RoXxOr JoO, has caused occasional misinterpretation as being anti-semetic slang for people of the Jewish faith but IMHO this is not the case. |
k | short for OK |
k3wl | cool dude speak for the word 'cool' |
kat | katana, a type of sword weapon |
lamr | lamer - a person who is or does lame or stupid things |
lmao | laughing my ass off, see also lol, rofl, roflmao, rofmaopimp |
lol | laughing out loud, see also lmao, rofl, roflmao, rofmaopmp |
mmorpg | massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, such as UO, EQ, AC, etc. |
nm | never mind |
np | no problem |
nub | newbie - used as insulting term to other players (new and old), see also nub, noobie |
noob | newbie - used as insulting term to other players (new and old), see also noob, noobie |
noobie | newbie - used as insulting term to other players (new and old), see also nub, noob |
oic | Oh, I see, i.e. I understand |
omg | Oh my god! |
own, ownz | Similar to RoX, as in I OwNz JoO - kewl dood speak for I beat you, I defeated you, etc. |
para | paralyse, as in the paralyse spell in UO |
peeps | people |
pk | a person who kills other players |
pots | potions |
prolly | probably |
PvP | Player vs Player combat |
PvM | Player vs Monster combat |
sos, mib | message in a bottle |
reds | murderers, pk's |
regs | reagents, i.e. magical herbs used in spell casting |
rez | resurrect, as in 'raise from the dead' |
rofl | rolling on floor laughing, see also lol, lmao, roflmao, roflmaopmp |
roflmao | rolling on floor laughing my ass off see also lol, lmao, rofl, roflmaopmp |
roflmaopmp | rolling on floor laughing my ass off peeing my pants, see also lol,lmao, rofl, roflmao |
r0x, roXxOr | cool dood speak for defeat, i.e. I RoXxOr JoO (I beat/killed you) |
rp | refers to role player or roleplaying in general |
stfu | shut the f*ck up, i.e. shut the heck up (polite version) |
suck, sux | verb, derogatory or insulting as in U SUCK, That Sux |
sup (?) | greeting, as in what's happening? or what are you up too? see also whassup |
tram | short for the facet of Trammel in UO |
trinny | short for the town of Trinsic in UO |
thx, ty | short for "thanks" or "thank you" |
U or u | you, as in How R U |
UO | Ultima Online |
vet | veteran or long-time player |
whassup (?) | greeting, as in what's happening? or what are you up too? see also sup |
woot! | dood speak expression kinda like "Yahoo!" or "Whoopie" |
wtf | what the f*ck? i.e. what the heck? (polite version) |
Y or y | short for 'yes', also can be used for why? |
*yawn* | emote used to indicate boredom or don't care attitude, i.e. I am bored with what you are saying |
yw | You're welcome, reply to "thx" or "ty". |
? | I beg your pardon?, what did you just say? (see also second definition below) |
? | general reply back for more info as in why? what? where? who? how? don't understand etc. |
:) | emotion - happy face (sideways) |
:( | emotion - unhappy face (sideways) |
:0 | emotion - suprised, startled (sideways) |
:/ | emotion - confused, unsure, just did something dumb (sideways) |
;) | emotion - wink (sideways) |
:p | emotion - sticking out tongue (sideways) |
q:^)> | guy with backwards baseball hat and goatee smiling (sideways)? As you can see these things can get out of hand. I would suggest sticking to the standard emotes above. |
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