Over the years, ImaNewbie has tried in his own way to chronicle the ongoing history of UO. From starting out as a newbie trying desperately to gain skills and fame, falling prey to anti-social behaviour, dieing repeatedly, dealing with the bugs, lag etc. ImaNewbie has seen it all. Anyone who has played UO for any length of time, or visited some of the popular News and Discussion sites (Crossroads, UO Vault, Stratics, etc.) has to have noticed the amazing amount of time spent discussing, dissecting, criticizing, ranting and whining that goes on about nearly every facet of the game. ImaNewbie has tried to take a light hearted look at many of these events and it is with that in mind that I present the following cross-index to some of the the major topics that have affected us all as the game evolves.
I have divided the index into two sections. The first section deals mainly with controversial aspects of the game that have been, and in many cases, continue to be argued to death on the UO forums and boards all over the web. The second section deals with some of the other recurring themes more specific to ImaNewbie himself that have occured during Ima's life in Britannia.
Note: You may notice that some of the reference numbers appear in more than one category. This is done deliberately where a toon deals with more than one topic
Using this Section - Each of the toon references links to that toon. To get back to this index just hit the "Back" button on your browser after viewing the 'toon.
Player Killing - Probably the number one ongoing topic of discussion (see also K3wL dOoDz)
Housing - What sets UO apart from the competition
Exploiting Bugs - This is definitely a biggie.
Black Dye Tubs - Where else but UO could this be an issue?
Paging a GM - "I am sorry but I cannot help you with that".
Lag, Crashes, Lock-Ups - usually ending in the black screen of death.
Scamming and Dirty Tricks - P-s-s-s-t! Wanna buy a (summoned) horse?"
The New Lands - T2A (the Second Age) was the first major expansion to UO.
Selling on EBay - Did it destroy the UO economy, or create it?
Escorting - the Immortal Phrase, "I Will Take Thee"
K3wL DoOdS - "We RoXxOrZ!
The Terminator Guards - "Thou wilt regret thine actions, Swine!"
Trammel and Felucca - the next great expansion - The CareBears vs The Anti-Social Quake/Doomers
The Lake Superior Protestt - be sure to wear Red
#111Player Rewards, Gifts and Prizes - promises, promises
U SUCK! and o0oo oo0 00oo - If you have to ask where these two terms came from you obviously haven't read ImaNewbie
Note: These two phrases are just too numerous to include a separate reference to each.
Gaining Skills - or how to wear out a mouse becoming a tailor
Brilliant Ideas - Why didn't I think of that?
Lord British - The Man who Would be King
Ima and Irma - Star Crossed Lovers
The SisterHood (of Knohmornuchiforyough)
Monty Python - their humor fits UO perfectly
Other Games - Ima finds himself in a strange place
Yeah, So Sue Me! - episodes of ImaNewbie that are takeoffs on popular TV Shows, Movies, etc. (see also Monty Python above)
The L.O.S.E.R.S. - ImaNewbie's guild of lost souls
The Killer Chicken - deserves his own category
That Tiny Little Island - Yes it DOES really exist (I actually used TWO different islands)
Monster Intelligence - I not hurt bad!
Player Owned Vendors - Take a look at my goods
The Tables are Turned - Everybody has to win one once in awhile, even Ima!
Treasure Hunting - Can you tell me where to find a Cartographer?
The Lost Tribe of Amazon Women - every guy's dream
SuperNewbie - Faster than a speeding Ostard
ImaPK - ImaNewbie turns to the Dark Side
Tryon in UO - Creator meets his creation
ImaTown - ImaNewbie's Player Run Town on Pacific
Strange Happenings or Just Ima's Luck - these one's don't seem to fit any other category.